Beyond Simulation

Emilie Duval
1 min readMar 17, 2021
On the left the physical painting “Beyond Simulation” — on the right side the digital entity of the painting. The NFT “ The Mirror Beyond Simulation”

The painting depicts the fictional politic in the digital sphere and how warfare’s physical attributes become a virtual reality nourished by algorithms.
The background represents transformed photos of a military parade in Russia. This transformation symbolizes the distortion between warfare’s physical reality and the fictional political stories that algorithms implement to respond to production needs.
The military attributes magnificence are colorful to create a visual attraction of physical and economic invincibility.
This circle of political warfare is illustrated on the top background with an arena. The circle of games and victory shown to passive watchers validate the given fiction of success.
This perception of military empowerment with a solid visual identity marks the idea of a monopoly of digital signs and symbols within a forced distanciation that will annihilate the faculties of physical grouping and interaction.
Beyond the blue curtain, the blue shape in the foreground, of simulation impulsed by deep learning, the value of warfare relates to digital existence and functionality to create new conflicts that will reorganize tomorrow’s world.



Emilie Duval

I am a French/American multi-disciplinary visual artist. My work is defined by research and observation to acknowledge the functionality of our societies.